I am in week two of two new job. Not to sound like a whiney bitch, BUT I am fucking exhausted. On my first day the person who has worked the Salad/dessert station for the past 18 months broke her toe. This stoner kid who would just need a dog named scooby if he wanted to be Shagy for halloween trained me, kind of. Anyway he was fired at around 930 my first night. So I had to breakdown and write a prep list myself. On day two I was trained by a girl who, besides having a bigger cock then me, was leaving in a few days. Her work ethic was not exactly strong and she spent more time hitting on servers then anything else. A few days rolled by and on Saturday night the other new guy, we both started on Tuesday, quit at 5pm. He said he was tired and left. Are you kidding me?? Because of that I had to work another 6 day, 12+ hour week. My biggest mistake was not taking a week off in between jobs. I will never do that again.
The work is intense all the time. We have no prep cooks or even a dishwasher until 5pm, so you are on your own. I run/walk all day just to almost be ready by 530. I scrape by with just enough of everything and start all over the next day. I hate working like that, it is a fools way of working.
Everything must be done neat and well organized. This is our walk-in. Tape can NEVER be torn and must always be cut. Once this is setup it doesn't take much time to maintain but it takes dedication from everyone.
I am feeling very depressed about my decision to work here. I know I will be much better for working at this place, but right now I hate it. I hate the commute, the prep, and the pressure. I am impressed with the finesse my co-workers possess and the speed at which they put out high quality food. A few days off might really help and hopefully they are coming soon. At least they don't have brunch.