We've all experienced those busy services when we get splashed with hot oil bursting from a soft shell crab or the countless times we find the oven rack with our forearm (why can't we learn). Sometime we don't have time to notice.
This lovely burn on my right arm happened while I was explaining to my lunch cook that our hot oven was dirtier than Whitney and Bobby's crack pipe. I guess he didn't believe me (or wanted to compare their crack pipe to his own) and swiftly moved in for a closer look. In the process he hit my arm with the oven door.
I put it under warm water as was told to me by a chef a long time ago. She said it evens out the pain in the nerves and will inhibit blistering. So many people assume just run cold water over it. Cold water does more harm in a kitchen because as the wound warms back up to 80+ degrees it hurts far worse. When a burn happens your nerves start freaking out. Why confuse them even more? Aren't things confusing enough as it is?