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Top Chef

Congratulations to Top Chef Richard Blais. In my opinion he was the best this season. His creativity and playful twists on classic dishes made him my favorite and I think it made him the favorite to win the title among the other chefs as well. Good luck to him and his future endeavours.

Top Chef is a entertaining show that tells us nothing about working in a restaurant. Eighty percent of my job is fixing problems. Give them ten pounds of overcooked steak to make something tasty. Cheddar beer dip.. made with cream cheese, fix that. I also think they should build a pantry throughout the challenges. So if the contestants have $300 to spend at local upscale grocery store and only need $250, let them buy a few things to keep around for the following challenges. It would show a level of planning that all kitchen works must have. This one apron, two chefs gimmicky stuff is dumb. What else would make a good challenge?

More Padma in a bikini.