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ps here's his resume

this was hanging in the dishpit when i got to work today.  that's his actual resume.  i can't decide which part is my favorite.  the obvious choice would be the creepy picture.  did he not have any pics where he was looking at the camera, or smiling?  at least his turtleneck is there.  i do like how he sets his goals pretty low, so he totally hits them.  i'm intrigued as to exactly how much "some" college is.  did he do a semester at a JC?  or is he three credits short of a masters in chemical engineering?  The .au email addy and the fact that every job he's had recently has been in a different state are probably red flags, though. 

throughout the day we left offerings of crackers and ketchup packets under his picture, in hopes that his spirit will fill it's cargo pockets and be on it's way.


Mad Reductions said...

this is even more awesome than I could have ever hoped. I wonder why he didn't put that he was the Exec @ the Mongolian Grill. How's this guy afford two cell phones?

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