Thank you Mr. Minor

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I hate when someone tells me "because I am the boss". That is fucking bullshit. Tell because you have tried and failed or that you watched someone else fail doing this specific task, but don't tell me to do it your way because you have been given a title. What does that title mean anyway? That you can be controlled and manipulated? Respect is earned in this business from knowing your craft, burns, cuts, and HARD work. I can't stand when someone thinks they are the poops because of some bullshit title. Show me a better way, or at least tell me about your failures so I know you have at least tried to perform this task. If you are a general manager and can't cook, well don't piss off the kitchen. Or if you are a Chef who can't bar tend, I know doubtful, then don't piss of the bartender. I guess the point is to be respected you must respect the other people around you. Recognize the awesome job our co-workers do once in a while. Pay attention to what they do so you can help out if need be. Be a TEAM player. Respect others and they will respect you back.


Chef named Sous said...

Problems with the boss, Cornstarch?

Cornstarch in my crotch said...

NO, not at all. This is more of a vent on a previous 'boss". Some old emotions were brought back to the surface and I wanted to get them out.

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